L’EBA lance une étude sur les technologies et besoins de la filière gazéification au niveau Européen

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Dans le cadre du lancement de son GT Gasification, du projet DiBiCoo et de la préparation de ses prochains workshops, l'EBA (European Biogas Association) lance une étude sur les technologies et besoins de la filière gazéification au niveau Européen

Votre contribution - via les questionnaires en ligne dont vous trouverez les liens ci-dessous - apportera beaucoup à la mise en place de nouvelles actions en faveur du développement de la filière.

Veuillez trouver ci-après le message d'appel à contributions de l'EBA :

Exporting European gasification technologies - Share your experience with us!

Dear gasification stakeholder,
We would like to kindly ask for your participation to the following surveys:

You will find further details on this request for participation below.


The European Biogas Association is involved in the EU-funded project Digital Global Biogas Cooperation (DiBiCoo), started last October. The overall objective of the project is to support the European biogas and biomethane industry by preparing markets for the export of sustainable biogas and biomethane technologies and services from Europe to developing and emerging countries. DiBiCoo aims to mutually benefit importing and exporting countries through facilitating dialogue between European biogas industries and biogas stakeholders or developers from emerging and developing markets. This is supported through a digital match-making platform and face-to-face capacity building mechanisms for improved networking, information sharing, and technical/financial competences.

SURVEY 1: Stakeholders mapping for exporters of European biogas technologies

As a first step, the DiBiCoo project partners recently invited you to participate in a survey mapping European biogas stakeholders interested in external markets. By doing this, your company will get the chance to use the matchmaking tool that will be developed and to get information about potential partners and project opportunities in developing and emerging countries. If you still didn’t fill in the first survey, you can do it now: survey on gasification technologies

SURVEY 2: Industry perspective on current opportunities and challenges of exporting European biogas technologies

Now, we are inviting you to complete a second survey that will help us understand the challenges and barriers that European stakeholders face when exporting their biogas technologies and services to developing and emerging countries. This second survey will also help us develop the online match-making tool that will connect exporting and importing countries at global level and implement capacity building activities in importing countries. Your contribution to the new survey will be a very valuable input for the next steps of DiBiCoo: fill in the survey


If you have any question, please contact Angela Sainz Arnau, EBA, sainz@europeanbiogas.eu

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 857804 (DiBiCoo - Digital Global Biogas Cooperation).

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