ETIA et Scanship unissent leurs forces (anglais)

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Extrait de l'annonce de rachat d'ETIA Ecotechnologies par Scanship 

ETIA Ecotechnologies and the Norwegian based engineering company Scanship have decided to join forces to create an even stronger provider of advanced green technology.

The two companies are highly complementary. Whereas ETIA’s focus is in the engineering of circular economy products for land-based solutions, Scanship has a similar stronghold in the market for marine systems. They deliver world leading solutions for cleaner oceans.

Scanship has equipped more than one hundred of the world’s largest cruise ships with advanced technologies and systems for processing waste and purifying wastewater. Similar systems are also delivered to customers in aquaculture (fish farming) and recently also to a customer in municipal waste.
More about Scanship here.

The combination will be the result of a financial transaction through which Scanship will acquire all shares in ETIA. Current management and directors who are shareholders in ETIA will continue as shareholders in the combined company, and key management will continue in similar roles as today. ETIA will be Scanships engine in the market for land-based solutions and continue to trade under its well-known ETIA brand.
More about the transaction here.

For ETIA’s customers, this will ensure business as usual. We remain fully committed to your success, and to our promise to deliver. But there will be more. When we now join Scanship we will be able to expand our technology and product offering and our capability for delivery of even more sophisticated and complete systems.

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