Report IEA Task 33 - Hydrogen from biomass gasification (English)
Executive Summary (abstract)
- Hydrogen will be an important renewable secondary energy carrier for the future. Today, hydrogen is predominantly produced from fossil fuels. Hydrogen production from biomass via gasification can be an auspicious alternative for future decarbonized applications, which are based on renewable and carbon-dioxide-neutral produced hydrogen.
- This study gives an overview of possible ways to produce hydrogen via biomass gasification. First, an overview of the current market situation is given. Then, hydrogen production based on biomass gasification is explained. Two different hydrogen production routes, based on biomass gasification, were investigated in more detail. Hydrogen production was investigated for steam gasification and sorption enhanced reforming.
- Both routes assessed, appear suitable for hydrogen production. Biomass to hydrogen efficiencies (LHV based) of up to 69% are achieved and a techno-economic study shows, hydrogen selling prices of down to 2.7 EUR·kg-1 (or 79 EUR·MWh-1).
- Overall it can be stated, that governmental support and subsidies are necessary for successful implementation of hydrogen production based on biomass gasification technologies. Especially the first 15 years of the development towards market maturity and stable operation and production are critical and will need political support systems.
- For evaluating the process chains it can be stated that gas upgrading unit operations, such as WGS, scrubbers and PSA units, are technologically proven and available on the market for similar applications. Furthermore, the feedstock spectrum has to be broadened in the future to increase the flexibility of the process and improve the overall economic feasibility.